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William Blake: Master of the Graphic Novel

G. E. Gallas is a screenwriter and graphic novelist who is currently working on 'The Poet and the Flea", a reimagining of the life of the poet-painter William Blake.

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For me, William Blake is an inspiration. He is not only the protagonist of my graphic novel The Poet and the Flea, but furthermore I consider him the master of the graphic novel. Of course, “graphic novel” is a relatively new term, only about 50 years old while Blake lived over 200 years ago. Blake himself called his works “illuminated manuscripts,” a term that dates back to the middle ages. Whatever you call it, it is the harmonious existence of both words and images on a shared page.

Although many are familiar with his poems, not everyone knows that Blake intended his words to be always paired with images: that “Laughing Song” begins with a joyous banquet, that “The Sick Rose” is entangled in thorns, that a ferocious beast waits at the end of “The Tyger.” The flow of each verse is complimented and amplified by the movement of flora, fauna, and human figures across each page. This is what a graphic novel is: utilizing both words and images in a way that strengthens one another.

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While creating The Poet and the Flea, I am ever conscious of the balance of words and images and how they flow across the page and from page to page. In this way, I am able to tell a story with minimal words reserved for important dialogue and thoughts, using the images to guide the reader verbally and pictorially. I have created each image to be interpreted at first glance, but I have also imbued each with more subtle clues that enhance the story. I hope readers will notice something new every time they visit The Poet and the Flea.

It was also important to me to portray Blake and his work in a way that is accessible to all. I chose to weave excerpts from his poems throughout the narrative, connecting Blake’s words with each plot point to give the story greater depth. Thus, I am showcasing Blake’s work in my own, and moreover trying to give insight into the mind who wrote these influential poems.

Below are a few pages excerpted from "The Poet and the Flea" with kind permission of G.E. Gallas. To read more of this gorgeous graphic novel, head to The Poet and the Flea website and start from the beginning!

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